How Can Amazon Fixed Fee PPC Management Benefit My Sales?

May 28th, 2024

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Did you know that most new brands today focus their selling efforts on ecommerce marketplaces? This shift in shopping behavior has been a driving force for Amazon’s growth. As online product offerings grow, the demand for an extensive catalog and speedy shipping also rises. Achieving visibility on the first page of search results is now crucial. Thankfully, Amazon fixed fee PPC management provides a cost-effective solution, ensuring optimal performance while staying within your budget.

What is Amazon Fixed Fee PPC Management?

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click, means you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Amazon Fixed Fee PPC Management is a service where you pay a set fee instead of a commission that may fluctuate and cut into your bottom line. There are four types of Amazon PPC advertising:

  1. Sponsored Products
  2. Sponsored Brands
  3. Sponsored Display
  4. Sponsored Brand Videos

The big perk of advertising on Amazon is that shoppers are already in buying mode. Unlike platforms like Google, Facebook, or Instagram, where people are there for info or socializing, Amazon's main goal is to help customers find and buy products they like. Plus, Amazon's PPC ads blend in smoothly with regular search results, making the shopping experience seamless and less disruptive for users.

Top Benefits of Flat Price PPC Management 

Advertising campaigns aim to raise awareness of your brand or product. Amazon flat price PPC management lets brands increase their product visibility while sticking to a predictable monthly budget. 

Normally, without ads, it could take a long time to get your product to the top of search results, but with effective Amazon ad campaigns expertly tailored to your goals, you can boost your product's ranking almost instantly.

Selecting the Right Type of PPC Campaign for Your Products

Navigating your budget and choosing the most effective PPC ads for your product and category can be daunting. That's where our seasoned specialists come in, simplifying the process and overseeing your ad account so you can focus on other aspects of your business!

Let's break down the four main types of ads targeted to shoppers' search terms or products, which enhance the visibility of your products and brand on Amazon:

Sponsored Product Ads display individual product listings to shoppers as they browse search results. They seamlessly blend in with organic results but secure a higher position, catching the eye of shoppers already in the buying mindset.

Sponsored Brand Ads feature three of your products within a single ad, directing customers to your Brand Store, product collection page, or sponsored brand video. While these ads are a bit more conspicuous, they draw attention and allow customers to explore more about your brand and products. This option is available to Amazon Vendors and Brand Registered sellers.

Sponsored Display Ads appear to customers browsing a competitor's product. Using auto-generated display creatives, they encourage purchases while maintaining the familiar Amazon shopping experience. A major plus is that they can also be set up to reach audiences beyond Amazon across third-party publishers.

Sponsored Brand Videos are the latest addition to Amazon's advertising arsenal, aimed at captivating customers through engaging visuals and storytelling. In a world where video is emerging as one of the most profitable and powerful forms of advertising, Sponsored Brand Videos are a highly effective way to expand your audience and boost the “buy now” response.

ACoS Slashed by 60% While Boosting Sales

Investing in no commission PPC management can be both profitable and cost-effective, but success hinges on using the right keywords and optimizing your listings with high-quality information. After all, you don't want to pay to attract a customer only to lead them to a subpar listing. Discover how we assisted one client with strategic advertising management to improve their ACoS and sales performance. Read the full case study. 

How Should You Budget for Fixed Fee PPC Management?

One of the most common and crucial questions is about budgeting: how much do you have to spend to make an impact without eating into profits? With our fixed fee, no commission PPC management service, you have control over your spending while maximizing results. 

As a starting point, we recommend allocating around $500 per product per month on Amazon ads to see some initial traction and refine your campaigns. Amazon does have minimum ad spend requirements, with a daily minimum of $5 per campaign for Sponsored Product ads. For example, if you're running two campaigns monthly, you'll need to budget at least $300 monthly for ads. 

These figures are just starting points, as each campaign is unique. Our specialists analyze your campaigns and products to offer tailored recommendations. They continuously monitor and adjust campaigns to ensure optimal performance and maximum return on investment. 

Keep in mind, budgeting varies based on category competition, campaign goals, and product costs, whether it's building brand awareness or driving sales.

The Easiest Way to Calculate Your ACoS

Your ACoS, or Advertising Cost of Sale, is a key metric for evaluating your Amazon PPC campaign's effectiveness. This is the easiest way to calculate your ACoS:

It's generally recommended to aim for an ACoS between 30-35%, even if the formula suggests a higher figure. Why? Because advertising boosts conversion rates, with Amazon PPC ads typically outperforming other ad types. Plus, they enhance brand visibility and can positively impact organic search results.

How Can I Improve My Amazon PPC?

  • Budget

Make sure your budget is adequate for your campaign and the category in which you are selling. Use the calculation above to calculate your ACoS. 

  • Bids

Keep an eye on what you are bidding on each target. Make sure the bid you are using is hitting a good target ACoS. These will need to be continuously optimized.

  • Keywords

These are the words potential customers are using to find your products. It’s important to utilize relevant keywords in your product listing as well as in the backend section of your listing to connect with your target market.

  • Optimize Your Listing

Your aim is to attract visitors to your product listing and maintain their interest. Achieve this by including informative bullet points and descriptions, along with high-quality photos and graphics. These elements captivate potential buyers and encourage them to explore further.

Fixed Fee PPC Management Gets Real Results

Harness the power of our seasoned team to supercharge your Amazon PPC campaigns. With our fixed-price PPC management, we handle everything from strategic planning to execution and optimization. Our goal? To slash your ACoS and make every advertising dollar count. No hidden fees, no commissions—just top-notch expertise and unwavering dedication to your success.

Our flat price PPC Management services include: 

  • In-depth keyword research and competitive analysis
  • Product advertising recommendations
  • Targeted approach by category, ASIN, placements, and/or competition
  • Customized campaign setup and strategy
  • Automatic and manual campaign management
  • Regular and timely bid adjustments
  • Subscribe and Save recommendations
  • Promotion, coupon, and lightning deal management
  • Weekly reporting
  • Ongoing optimization
  • Copywriting
  • Graphic design

We believe and understand that Amazon is a dynamic ecosystem that must constantly adapt and evolve to achieve optimal results. As your campaign runs, we gather data on impressions, clicks, ACoS, and other KPIs to measure ad performance and optimize as needed.

Ready to launch a tailored Amazon PPC advertising campaign designed for your unique target audience and goals? Our flat fee, no commission service ensures you get personalized attention and expert guidance every step of the way. Take the first step toward advertising success by scheduling a free consultation today.