Creating a Successful Amazon Sales Funnel

October 13th, 2023

Amazon Sales Funnel

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Tracking the Customer Journey 

For Amazon sellers, learning what makes customers tick and click is the key to unlocking success. With the right tools, you can gain valuable insight into shopper’s interests, goals, and struggles to deliver precisely what they need at the moment they need it. 

The ecommerce sales funnel is a visual representation of the customer journey from beginning to end. While some shoppers may get lost along the way, with a strategic approach, sellers can convert passive browsers into loyal and lucrative repeat customers.

Understanding the Ecommerce Sales Funnel

To set up a successful sales funnel, start from the top and work your way down. An ecommerce consulting firm can review your current performance and identify areas for improvement. With a comprehensive understanding of Amazon and its tools, they can help you target the right customers at the right time to optimize performance.

While many sellers use the acronym AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) to represent the stages of the ecommerce sales funnel, Amazon consultants understand that acquisition is not the end of the journey. After a sale is completed, it's crucial to keep customers aware and engaged with your brand to ensure ongoing success.

Breaking Down the 6 Sales Funnel Stages

  1. Awareness
    At the very top of the funnel is awareness. At this stage, prospective customers are learning about your products and brand. They may be gathering information or trying to solve a problem. This is your chance to demonstrate how you can help or improve their quality of life.

  2. Interest
    These shoppers are actively seeking out additional information and may be exploring your competitors as well. While it's important to capture their attention, your marketing strategy should not be overly aggressive at this stage. Instead, focus on generating interest, showcasing your brand's value and expertise, and gently nudging the shopper further down the funnel.

  3. Decision
    As shoppers move towards making a purchase, they may still have some reservations about your brand. The factors that can sway their decision include price, discounts, service, and selection. It is crucial for sellers to capitalize on this pivotal moment by engaging shoppers with persuasive copy, promotions, social proof, and personalized marketing tactics.

  4. Action
    Once a shopper reaches this stage, they are prepared to make a purchase. This is a valuable opportunity to ensure your customer feels supported and excited about choosing your product. To ensure a positive impression, provide them with useful tips, training, and follow-up information that helps them feel confident about their purchase.

  5. Retention
    Just because the purchase is complete doesn’t mean your job is done. Now that you have a new customer, it’s time to convert them into a raving fan! Follow up, offer assistance, and ask for feedback. Going the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction can help you accumulate positive reviews and valuable word-of-mouth recommendations.

  6. Re-engagement
    Sellers can save time and money by implementing effective customer retention strategies.  It can be expensive and time-consuming trying to acquire new customers, so prioritizing existing customers is crucial. Up-selling, cross-selling, and utilizing email marketing campaigns and special offers are great ways to engage your existing customer base and encourage repeat sales.

Taking it From the Top: Successful AIDA Sales Funnel Strategies

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a successful ecommerce sales funnel, sellers can engage shoppers and maximize revenue by developing their own strategic approach. 

Start by reviewing your customer data to create a buyer persona that identifies who your customers are, what motivates them, and what challenges they face. Use this information to present solutions and provide the information that’s relevant to them. 

Work with your Amazon consulting team to improve product pages and pinpoint marketing tactics that reach customers at every stage of their buying journey. With a thorough understanding of Amazon’s tools and customer base, they can help you craft a comprehensive strategy that appeals to your unique audience. 

Top Funnel Marketing Tactics

Attracting customers and generating leads is a crucial part of growing your Amazon brand. There are many ways to promote brand and product awareness. Once you establish an understanding of your existing audience, you can discover ways to appeal to shoppers with similar goals and interests. 

Top Funnel Goals:

Your top funnel strategy is the first impression shoppers have with your business, so focus on building brand credibility and establishing trust. Your Amazon consultant can help you acquire positive reviews and coveted Amazon badges that help you stand out. With their help, you can optimize your product listings and Best Seller’s Rank to boost recognition and brand awareness. 

Some successful top funnel marketing strategies:

Important Metrics to Track:

  • Page Views: How often are your product listings viewed?
  • Impressions: How often is your content displayed to users?
  • Click Through Rate (CTR): What percentage of impressions lead to clicks?
  • Engagement Rate: Are shoppers interacting with your content?
  • Best Seller’s Rank: Are your products ranking well compared to others in your product category?

Mid Funnel Marketing Tactics

Once you’ve established a relationship with prospective customers, it’s time to build a meaningful connection that differentiates you from your competitors. At this stage in the funnel, shoppers are doing their research, so providing detailed information and communicating the unique value of your product is crucial. 

Mid Funnel Goals:

To keep shoppers engaged, create informative content that clearly demonstrates the value of your products. Showcase your expertise and get specific about how you can solve a problem without employing pushy tactics that may be off-putting to shoppers in the research phase.

Some successful mid funnel marketing strategies:

  • Leveraging influencer marketing campaigns
  • Developing targeted email remarketing campaigns
  • Engaging shoppers with tutorials and product demonstrations
  • Creating low-pressure call-to-actions
  • Offering discounts and deals
  • Implementing social media retargeting campaigns

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Important Metrics to Track:

  • Time on Page: How long do visitors engage with your content?
  • Bounce Rate: What percentage of visitors leave without clicking or taking action?
  • New-to-Brand Percentage: How many new customers are you drawing in?
  • Detail Page Views: How often is your product page viewed?

Bottom of Funnel Marketing Tactics

At the bottom of the funnel, shoppers are interested in your products, have done their research, and are on their way to completing a purchase. This is your opportunity to close the deal by offering compelling content that convinces them that your products will solve their problems and improve their lives.

Bottom of Funnel Goals:

Create personalized content that generates excitement and answers common customer questions. Dive into the specific features and benefits of your products, and urge potential buyers to take immediate action.

Some successful bottom of funnel marketing strategies:

  • Sharing customer testimonials
  • Running exclusive or limited-time promotions
  • Engaging shoppers with product comparisons
  • Sharing detailed videos of your products in use
  • Launching targeted PPC campaigns 
  • Crafting clear and compelling call-to-actions

Important Metrics to Track:

  • Conversion Rate (CR): How often do your page visits result in a sale?
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): Are your campaign costs delivering results?
  • Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS): Are your advertising campaigns cost-effective?
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): How much does it cost to acquire new customers?

After AIDA: Cultivating Long-Term Customer Loyalty 

According to the experts, increasing customer retention by 5% can increase profits by 25% to 95%. Although attracting new customers is essential for growth, maintaining your existing customer base is crucial for long-term success. To create a cost-effective full-funnel strategy, prioritize customer retention by maintaining a meaningful relationship post-customer acquisition. 

Post-Purchase Marketing Tactics

After completing a purchase, the shopper has now transitioned into a customer. Now is the time to nurture customer loyalty to promote positive reviews and lucrative customer referrals. Maintaining a solid customer base gives sellers critical insight into the habits and preferences of shoppers, empowering them to refine their strategies and drive future growth.

Post-Purchase Goals:

Post-purchase, show customers that their satisfaction is important to your business. Develop strategic marketing campaigns that showcase your expertise and promote complimentary products, bundles, and special deals designed to boost engagement and increase sales.

Some successful post-purchase marketing strategies:

  • Sending review and feedback requests
  • Creating cross-selling and upselling campaigns
  • Utilizing external marketing through email and social media
  • Creating loyalty programs and incentives
  • Optimizing product pages based on customer feedback
  • Promoting engaging video content 

Do you have a strategic plan in place to boost visibility and sales? With over a decade of experience helping brands improve performance on Amazon, our team is equipped with all the tools you need to stand out and build a dedicated customer base. From listing optimization to professional photography and PPC management, our full-service firm can set you up for success. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can reduce your workload and help you grow.